Monday, November 6, 2017

Fall Tables

I LOVE sensory tables. . .part of the reason we have Fun Friday is so I can bust out these tables and let the kids run wild. This past week I put out two fall sensory tables. One had "Fall Soup" (water, food coloring, leaf confetti, sparkles, and spoons) and the other table had "Fall Slime" (all sorts of ingredients but I'll put the link to the originally intended ingredients at the end haha). Surprisingly, the boys were way more into it than the girls this time. There are many recipes for slime, but I've learned it turns out differently every time, making it fun to allow the kids to help experiment with it by adding various amounts of ingredients. Until you are brave enough to do that, I would stick to a simple slime recipe such as in the following link.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

AB Pattern

To open our Thanksgiving Theme, we had our students use an AB pattern to make the tails on their turkeys! This was our second lesson on an AB pattern. Some students mastered the skill, while others need more practice. They enjoyed it over all.